Aig Online Access

Aig Online Account Access

AIG Terms Acceptance:
Aig Online Account Access
Create a profile that can be used to access your American General Life Companies' services. Start by clicking the Create Profile button, and we'll walk you through the process. Welcome to AIG American General's E-Service. To enroll, you will need your Account Number and certain personal information. Once Registered, you will be able to: View your account balance. View your recent account activity. Create an AIG Account. Already have an account? Login Id / e-mail: Your New Password must meet the following. Manage retirement accounts, view transaction confirmations and account history, access tax statements, and update beneficiaries. Log into Retirement Services AIG Life & Retirement consists of four operating segments: Individual Retirement, Group Retirement, Life Insurance and Institutional Markets.
Aig Online Access
By accessing Box, you hereby consent to the collection, use, access, storage and transfer of your information outside your geography by your employer and for use by AIG entities using the Box service. We will take steps to protect your information appropriately when it is transferred. You also agree to comply with all company policies and guidelines for all the data processing activities which you perform on the company’s behalf. In particular, you agree not to use any Information other than in connection with and to the extent necessary for meeting the business requirements of the company. You should note that any content uploaded on Box is monitored. We reserve the right to investigate any violation of the company policies and guidelines or misuse of AIG’s Box account and may suspend your access or remove any content that violates these policies, guidelines or any other AIG’s Policies. If you have any questions about the use of your information please contact your local Legal Team.